Hey everyone (who cares)!
I thought I would get into this whole blogging thing and try it out. Not sure how "good" I am at it (if you can be "good" at blogging), but I will offer insightful comments and I encourage your comments as well. I hope I will encourage you in your walk with Christ, but more importantly, I hope I challenge you in your walk. To me, a faith that is not refined in fire really isn't faith at all.
This blog won't be totally about controversial things, but when they do come up, I hope you feel free to comment. But keep it kosher, guys. None of this bashing each other or swearing or any of that crap. I mean, come on, lets be adults here. Let's have some good discussion and hopefully learn a bit.
Many of you are asking, "What the purgatory is EDGE-X?!" EDGE-X is a ministry acronym God gave me a few years ago that really encompasses my entire outlook on ministry. Everything I do, I sharpen to an EDGE.
Evangelize the Lost (Reach Out: Matt. 28:18-20),
Disciple the Found (Build Up: Acts 2:42-47),
Give back to the Community (Show Love: Matt. 5:16; 20:25-28),
Edify the Church (Live Loud: Col. 3:15-16; 1 Thes. 5:5-11),
all to eXalt the Savior (Glorify Him: Col 3:17).
So now you know. Feel free to use the acronym as you wish, but don't abuse it. May God bless you as you go though your day! Look forward to the upcoming posts!
Following His Call,
(Isaiah 6:8)