Day 7: Mt. Sinai, St. Catherine's, Taba
Hey everyone!
I’ve found that the more raw facts I learn about Israel combined with personal experiences I have had with Israelites, the less I am respecting Israel as a nation. Consequently, because I am respecting it less, I like it less.
Now before you go criticizing me and defending Israel, PLEASE read the whole post and let me explain. I do NOT hate Israel. I am NOT allied with the Arabs who want Israel gone. I do NOT think that Israel is a bad nation.
However, I do think that there are many things about Israel itself and its founding that are not right. For example, let us start with Israel’s founding as a nation (in a nutshell and greatly watered down). We need to go way back. Abraham had Isaac, Isaac had Jacob, Jacob had Joseph. They lived in Mesopotamia, many believe where modern day Israel is now. Joseph was sold into slavery and ended up in Egypt becoming the right hand of Pharaoh.
Through dreams, Joseph new to store food for the coming drought. Eventually, his family moved in with him in Egypt. Fast forward a few hundred years, two million Israelites are living in Egypt. Moses comes, sets them free. They cross the Red Sea, wander around for 40 years, then invade the place where modern day Israel sets. They conquer and destroy everything in the land and claim it as their own.
Fast forward another few hundred years. After King David and King Solomon, the empire finally falls to the Babylonians. The Israelites are brought to Babylon, while some stay in Israel. After some more years, they are finally allowed to return and rebuild.
Big bad people take over the area, people revolt and to settle the revolt, the people invite the Roman Empire in settle the dispute (again, this is a really fast nutshell of history). Everyone knows that when you invite the Romans in, they don't leave. They rule through the time of Jesus. Solomon's temple (that was rebuilt) is destroyed again and the Israelites are once again dispersed all over the world (known as the Diaspora).
Fast forward another few hundred years. It is the late 19th century. Many Jews are making their way back to Israel, so they move in and buy mass amounts of land from the Arabs owning the land. During this time, the Jews develop the Zionist movement, that basically says that the land of Israel rightfully belongs to the Jews and tries to make the Holy Land a Jewish land. Obviously, Arabs do not like this concept because they have been living on this land for over a millennia.
Before the break of WWI, the Zionists and Arabs were each pushing for their own separate states, naming one Israel and one Palestine. However, because of what is now modern day Israel's strategic position for the war, Britain quickly scooped up the Middle Eastern coast and allied with the wealthy Jews in the area. For promise of a new country, the Zionists were thrilled at the plan.
What people fail to remember was that Britain has already promised to help build an Arab state through their ties in Egypt to Sharif Husayn, an Arab world leader. Thus the Arabs felt betrayed, sewing the first seeds of discord. Britain then helped move Palestinians off their lands during WWI, establishing their rule over the land.
All of these broken promises, relocations, and political alliances, divided the Arab world. Most of them didn't know what to do. What is even more baffling is that the immigrating Jews still bought land from the Arabs and continued to move in, and the Arabs let them. It wasn't that the Arabs were so mad at the Jews, they were more mad at the West and Western civilization in general. The Jews were actually very helpful, bringing in new technologies, opening schools and hospitals.
Skip ahead to WWII when many Jews fled Hitler's persecution. Many of them fled in neighboring European countries, but many also made a trek down to Palestine to stay safe. So many Jews immigrating into Palestine caused the Arabs to become angry. They revolted and tried to halt Jewish immigration.
Britain had to step in and settle the conflict (since they had all their assets in the Middle East). Their solution: make two countries, one Arab and one Jewish. The Jews were not happy with the decision, but went along with it. The Arabs hated it and rejected it.
Britain tried again with the White Paper document. The document allowed a Palestinian state to form in ten years with full government. In additions, the Arabs could control how many Jews immigrated into the area and could severely restricted land sales. This time the Arabs were not happy, but okay with it. The Jews were heated.
Winston Churchill had to impliment the White Paper document after Italy entered the war in order to protect the Middle Eastern investments. By doing so, it greatly restricted Jewish immigration at the time they needed it most to escape Hitler. One boat full of Jews tried to get into Palestine, but was denied admittance. When it went back out into sea, it capsized, killing all but two members of the ship.
Jews in Palestine heard of this event and were enraged. They formed an underground defense force to attempt to kick the British out of the Middle East during the middle of WWII. The militia went as far as to assassinate a British politician in Cairo (who happened to be a good friend of Churchill).
Britain's division to the Jews only increased. Despite this, with the world now learning of the horrors of the Holocaust, many people became sympathetic with the Jews, wanting to help. The Jews themselves seemed to unite together, with Zionism as their main flag of honor.
After the war, thousands of Jews across Europe were demanding a place to resettle. To try to solve the issue, Britain went to the United Nations for help. The UN agreed to divide up the land into several Jewish and Arab states, unify their trade and currency, and make Jerusalem the center of it all. The Jews accepted the principle, the Arabs did not.
Lines were drawn. With the US removing itself from the situation and first and Britain siding with the Arabs, the conflict grew. Eventually, the US joined Israel's side and worked to help them. On May 14, 1948, the Jews declared their state Israel. The US acknowledged them the day after, and Russia did later. Soon many countries acknowledged the state until a year later, Israel joined the UN.
Enraged, the Palestinians attacked, but the Israeli forces held their ground. In fact, the held ground they claimed that way extended beyond their UN allotted land. Thus, the land was divided. Jerusalem was split in two; Arabs moved into the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.
Years later, after much tension between the Arabs and Jews, the Six-Day War broke out on June 5, 1967. Egypt, Syria, and Jordan were gearing up to wage war with Israel, but Israel thought the best defense was a good offense. They captured all the lands belonging to the Arabs (including the West Bank, Golan Heights, and the Gaza Strip) and the Sinai.
The policy then became a "land-for-peace" agreement: the Arabs wanted peace if they could get their land back. The Sinai was returned to Egypt twelve years later. The Arabs still have not gotten back the Gaza Strip or West Bank to this day.
This is where we are today. While Israel lets the Palestinians run their own land (somewhat, but not really if you look into it), they still own it and have their own power over it. Thus, in 1987, the people started to rebel. What started as strikes and civil disobedience soon led to martyrdom and suicide bombings. Thus, the conflict started again...
Until today. Now they are taking peace with Israel again. Talking with some of the older Jews here, they actually want peace with Palestine and to give them their land back. Some of them are Holocaust survivors, so they know what it is like to live under oppression. They are sympathetic to the Palestinians.
I am not against Israel, but how they became a state makes me uneasy. I don't a problem with people moving back to their homeland, but not taking it by force and kicking other people out. There wasn't a problem between Jews and Arabs at first when the Jewish people were just buying land. But then the Jews developed a sense of entitlement and forced their beliefs on everyone around them. I don't agree with this.
While the people here are nice and all, and Israel is the most Westernized country we have been in, I can't say I like it. Let me tell you why.
I have been through Israeli security today, and honestly, I felt defiled and hated. I felt like I did something wrong when the lady looked down at me and talked down to me like a little kid as she opened up my suitcase and pulled everything out. She looked through my Bible like it was some kind of bomb with a sour look on her face. She kept asking me questions like, "Do you have a bomb?" "Did someone give you a package?" "Are you making a delivery to anyone?" I felt like a criminal when I hadn't done anything wrong. Two of our group members were flagged because they looked suspicious (one was Black and the other was Asian; racist are we?).
I understand tight security. I totally agree with it and support it. However, HOW you treat people in security says a lot about how you view outsiders and a lot about your country. I was very upset with how they treated us, a student group from America (their biggest ally!) on a learning experience of the Middle East. We were even going to help excavate part of their history of the nation for free (well, it was more than free, because we had to pay to come over to work for them) at Bethsaida. I just don't understand how they could have treated us that way. It wasn't just me. In fact, I was one of the nicer ones they treated. You should ask some of our other group members how they treated them.
In addition, I have been talking to other Arabs not in Israel and hearing their stories. Apparently, Jordan signed a peace treaty with Israel. In return, Israel would supply water to Jordan, one of the poorest watered countries in the world. It seemed great for the first year. Then the Israelis started sending them polluted water they could not use. Jordan, not being able to do anything, cut their loses and moved their water consumption to Syria.
I could go on and on about what I have read about Israel in "I Am a Palestinian Christian". This is such a good book to see a different side of the coin on the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. I think many times Americans (especially American Christians) side with Israel because they don't know any better. When you really learn the facts, it is hard to side with Israel when it comes to that debate, especially after how bad they have treated the Palestinian Christians. I won't go into detail now (because this post is SO LONG) but you should read it sometime. It will change you life.
Anyway, I have said my piece. I hope this starts to helpful dialogue into what is actually happening over here. If you have any questions for me, please feel free to ask. I will try to answer it as best as I can. Until next time, love ya, and God bless!
Following His Call,
Romans 12:18